Dear teenagers and their parents! During the period of self-isolation, we offer a supportive therapeutic group <KinoTochka Online> for teenagers 13-17! Once a week for 2.5 hours
There is little life, communication and activity in online schooling. And this is exactly what we want to offer you! We have already successfully run several groups online. And we know how to make it interesting and psychologically useful for teenagers.
Now many are anxious, it is difficult to adapt without the usual social connections and affairs. And the intrapersonal and interpersonal problems of adolescents are exacerbated. In such a rapidly changing world, it is important to have stable and permanent relationships where you can share your feelings, thoughts and be accepted. And often it is the environment and peers that are important for adolescents, and not adults.
And our group gives it: regular, stable, where you can share feelings, opinions, exchange interests, watch high-quality movies, shape your taste, learn more about your inner world and the world of others .
Cinema is a whole treasury of feelings, experiences, relationships, reflections, characters, in general, everything that consists of a life. In our "KinoTochka" we will discuss cinema with teenagers so that they can discover and comprehend the main life issues - love, friendship, relationships, choice and responsibility, find something new in themselves and in each other.
We will draw the main material for discussions and exercises from cinema and animation. The group form of work allows participants to face the diversity of other people's experience, other people's experiences, allows them to correlate with this experience;
Thus, we will combine the pleasant with the useful - we will unite the cinema club and the psychological group.
In adolescence, issues of self-knowledge, one's own identity, self-esteem, communication and conflicts with other people, the ability to understand and cope with one's emotions are especially acute.
🎞 Children will learn better
- understand yourself, your character and your feelings,
understand how their words and actions affect other people,
– choose what they like and what they don’t, and say no to what doesn’t fit,
- to formulate and express one's point of view in such a way as to be understood and not offend the other;
– listen and hear other people;
- The guys will be able to become more free in communication, better understand other people;
- Teenagers will be able to expand their horizons.
🎞 In our film club we will:
- watch and discuss movies;
- play different conversational games;
– explore and understand your inner world;
- express your own opinion and hear an alternative opinion;
– learn about the features of their communication and try new ways of communication;
- learn to understand other people and build relationships with them.